Easily create web and mobile app prototypes and wireframes w...产品大牛
WuliHub 是什么?WuliHub 作为一款文件演示管理工具,降低了创意工作者和需求方之间的沟通障碍。提供多种格式...Axhub
CODING 代码托管是为开发者打造的云端便捷代码托管工具,旨在为更多的开发者带去便捷、高效的开发体验,全面支持 Git...Bitbucket
Bitbucket Cloud is a Git-based code and CICD tool optimized...Gitshell
专注于 Git 托管Gitshell 专注于Git托管,这是一切的基础;尽最大的努力提高用户体验,安全,多重备份;迭代...腾讯工蜂
Codeberg is a non-profitcommunity-led organization that aims...Sourcetree使用教程 | 菜鸟教程
Sourcetree 使用教程Git 有很多图形界面工具 ( GUI ),比如 SourceTree、Github D...Vector Icons and Stickers
Flaticon is home to many talented icon designers. Each works...IconPark图标库
IconPark图标库是一个通过技术驱动矢量图标样式的开源图标库,可以实现根据单一SVG源文件变换出多种主题, 具备丰富...iconfont
iconfont-国内功能很强大且图标内容很丰富的矢量图标库,提供矢量图标下载、在线存储、格式转换等功能。阿里巴巴体验团...Font Awesome
Used by millions of designersdevs& content creators. Ope...IcoMoon
IcoMoon provides a package of vector icons, along with a fre...Icon Fonts
An innovative, lightweight, icon font generator with 2725 ve...MFG Labs icon set
An icon webfont you can easely embed anywhere on your websit...Ligature Symbols
I love Symbols Web Font wink...Bootstrap Icons
Bootstrap IconsFree, high quality, open source icon library...Figma
Figma is the leading collaborative design tool for building...Adobe Creative Cloud创意应用软件
什么是 Creative Cloud 创意应用软件?Adobe Creative Cloud 创意工具,基于创作者需求...Sketch中文网
Sketch中文网是一个以中文内容介绍Sketch这款Mac设计工具的社区,在这里分享最新的Sketch中文手册,以及使...Axure RP
The most powerful way to plan, prototype and handoff to deve...即时设计
即时设计是一款支持在线协作的专业级 UI 设计工具,支持 Sketch、Figma、XD 格式导入,海量优质设计资源即拿...墨刀
Framer is where teams design and publish stunning sites....ProtoPie
ProtoPie是为车载HMI设计游戏设计App设计智能手表设计等领域的UI UX设计师提供的一款原型设计工具。支持Fi...Proto.io
Build interactive webiOSAndroidand other low or high-fidelit...Marvel
The collaborative design platform. Wireframe, prototype, use...UXPin
Design tool like no other. Prototypes that feel real, with p...Pixso
InVision is the online whiteboard and productivity platform...Flinto
The App Design AppFlinto is a Mac app used by top designers...Principle
Animate Your Ideas, Design Better AppsPrinciple makes it ea...MockFlow
MockFlow is an intuitive web app to simplify your product de...Balsamiq
Balsamiq is the company behind Balsamiq Wireframes, the indu...Zeplin
Between Design and Dev – there’s ZeplinDocument designs. Ma...vscode-icons
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Icons for Visual Studio C...Beautify
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Beautify code in place fo...Prettier - Code formatter
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Code formatter using pret...Bookmarks
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Mark lines and jump to th...Image preview
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Shows image preview in th...TODO Highlight
Extension for Visual Studio Code - highlight TODOs, FIXMEs,...Git History
Extension for Visual Studio Code - View git log, file histor...GitLens - Git supercharged
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Supercharge Git within VS...Git Graph
Extension for Visual Studio Code - View a Git Graph of your...Git Blame
Extension for Visual Studio Code - See git blame information...indent-rainbow
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Makes indentation easier...Auto Close Tag
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Automatically add HTML/XM...Auto Rename Tag
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Auto rename paired HTML/X...Code Spell Checker
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Spelling checker for sour...Code Runner
Run C, C++, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, Lua, Groo...Jupyter
Jupyter notebook support, interactive programming and comput...
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